Advent Pipe Organ Recital
Saturday 7 December 7.30pm

Amir Robin-Karas and members of the Cathedral Choir
1. Daquin: Noel I
2. Bach- Gounod: Ave Maria
3. O come Divine Messiah
Reading from" New songs of Noel " by Loucas Le Moigne published in 1520.
4. Daquin: Noel II
Variations on the theme of " Now tell Us Mary "
En Dialogue , Duo et Trio
5. Joseph est bien marie ( Joseph is married indeed)by Ballbastre
6. Votre Bonte O Gran Dieu - Your Goodness O Great God , by Balbastre
Reading Luke 2-20
8. Oivier Meesiaen: les Bergers - The shepherds .
9. While shepherds watched their flocks .
Reading from Hebrews 10 : 5-7
10. Olivier Meesiaen ; Jesus accepte la souffrance - Jesus accepts suffering .
11. Mozart : Laudate Dominum
Reading John 1;14
And the word was made flesh , and dwelt among us .
Reading Luke 1: 46
My soul magnifies the Lord .
14. Oliver Meesiaen : Dieu Parmi Nous - God among Us .