More about our Baptism program

Welcoming Ceremony
Why do we have Welcoming Ceremony?
The documents on the Rite of Infant Baptism for Children point out that the child has a right to the love and help of the community both before and after the celebration of the sacrament.
The community “expresses its assent together with the celebrant after the profession of faith by the parents and godparents”.
The faith in which the children are baptised is not the private possession of the individual family. It is the common treasure of the whole Church of Christ.
Where do we do Welcoming Ceremony?
The families will be welcomed in the churches where the baptism is to be celebrated.
How does it take place?
Wherever possible. welcoming ceremonies will take place after the Prayer of the Faithful in the Mass on the first and third Sundays of the calendar month.
Why do we have preparation?
The documents on the Rite of Infant Baptism remind us that the godparents’ ministry and role are important – and that the parents’ ministry and role are even more important.
Parents, the documents say, should be prepared with the “help of friends or other members of the community”, by “every suitable means”, including “pastoral counsel and common prayer”.
When and where?
The preparation session take place on the last Tuesday evening of the calendar month at 7.30pm to 9pm. Sessions will be held at the Cathedral Hall on Wakefield St. in Adelaide.
How does it run?
This will be a group session facilitated by members of the Infant Baptism Team, who will provide information about the Rite of Infant Baptism.
With the assistance of a member of the Infant Baptism team, families will work together with those who will be celebrating at the same time and church to assist in preparing for the celebration.
Baptism Ceremony
The priests and deacons from the parish will celebrate the Rite of Infant Baptism that has been approved and agreed upon among them and by the Archbishop and Vicar General. Orders of service containing the readings and words of the hymns will be prepared and provided.
Preparation for the Baptism Ceremony
Parents have received the Scriptural texts for Infant Baptism before this session and have been asked to think about the readings they liked and why.
Together with the families who are celebrating at the same time and worship centre they will choose the Scriptures, as well as the readers. They are invited to name a couple of hymns if they have favourites.
Parents who may be celebrating Infant Baptism within the Mass will have an opportunity to reflect on the readings of the Sunday.
Members of the Infant Baptism Team will work with their group and offer support, advice and information.
The Liturgy Workshop Forms will be collected for the coordinator to prepare the liturgies.
Your Infant Baptism coordinator
All enquiries about Infant Baptism are referred to the Infant Baptism Coordinator who will:
- Answer any questions about the booking for Preparation, Welcome and Celebration of Infant Baptism in the Adelaide Catholic Parish.
- Book the baptism time and venue through the Infant Baptism coordinator, with the assistance of the office administration staff who manage the parish diary (except for baptism with a Priest who is not from the Parish – see below)
- Book the family (and godparents where possible) into a Welcoming Ceremony at the worship centre where the celebration will take place.
- Book the parents (and godparents where possible) in to the monthly Infant Baptism preparation session.
When is it appropriate to celebrate Infant Baptism within the Mass?
Infant Baptism may be celebrated within the Mass when the family lives inside the parish boundaries or are part of the regular worshiping community.
Administration Fee – There is an administration fee of $90 as the Adelaide Cathedral Parish Infant Baptism Program is a seven year Godstart program. We will journey with your family each year until your child is seven years old. We will;
- Remember your child’s birthday.
- Send you the Easter and Christmas Mass times.
- Resource and support you family in whatever way we can.
Booking Process for Infant Baptism with a Priest who is NOT from the Parish
Bookings for welcome and celebration will be arranged through the Infant Baptism coordinator. Families will be invited and encouraged to participate in the parish preparation session, however, they may prefer to arrange preparation with the celebrant.